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textbooks_source Overview

Rating Details

  • Yearly Feedback Count: 485
  • Avg. Rating: 4.8 / 5

658 Products Found by CherryPicks

  • Highest Price: $612.34
  • Lowest Price: $0.01
  • Avg. Price: $92.92


  • amazon.com (US)

textbooks_source Profile & Rating

textbooks_source primarily sell Books products from Picador, iUniverse, University of California Press, Brand: Natl Art Education Assn, Texas A&M University Press, University of Texas Press, Brand: DK ADULT, Columbia University Press, Moleskine, Alfred Music, Kogan Page And Wiley (WileyPLUS Products).

Currently, The seller has over 658 products for sale which ships from United States. The average price of products sold by textbooks_source is $92.92 which is considered affordable.

textbooks_source is a seller on Amazon with more than 485 feedbacks from customers in the last 12 months,This seller is a medium business seller on Amazon.

Through a lot of our research to their feedback, We would like to say; the seller is a moderate seller on Amazon, and sales records are good, So We recommend it.

textbooks_source has an average star rating of 4.8, This indicates that the customers see the products sold by this store as average, which is still a good and acceptable rating. Usually, this is a cost-effective choice recommended by Cherry Picks. 

Items For Sale From textbooks_source

We found 658 products sold by textbooks_source at March 05,2024, Here is the store product list, that we analyzed and listed 32 products.

How to Win Friends and Influence People (Turtleback Binding Edition)

Moleskine Art Watercolor Album, Hard Cover, Large (5" x 8.25") Plain/Blank, Black, 72 Pages

Constructive Anatomy

The Brothers Karamazov

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, Enhanced

Elementary Statistics

The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary

Exploring Anatomy & Physiology in the Laboratory, 3e

Psychology in Your Life

Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth Through Age 8

Bates' Guide To Physical Examination and History Taking (Lippincott Connect)

Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information

Medical-Surgical Nursing Made Incredibly Easy (Incredibly Easy Series)

Wong's Essentials of Pediatric Nursing

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

The Alchemy of Happiness

The Norton Anthology of American Literature

McKnight's Physical Geography: A Landscape Appreciation

Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care

Essential Cell Biology, 4th Edition

Infants, Children, and Adolescents (Berk, Infants, Children, and Adolescents Series)

2018 International Building Code (International Code Council Series)

Loose Leaf for Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology

Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Therapists

The Norton Anthology of English Literature, The Major Authors

Mosby's 2021 Nursing Drug Reference (Skidmore Nursing Drug Reference)

General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: Structures of Life

Organic Chemistry (MasteringChemistry)

Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology

Test Success: Test-Taking Techniques for Beginning Nursing Students

The Norton Anthology of American Literature

Top 10 best selling products sold by textbooks_source

  1. How to Win Friends and Influence People (Turtleback Binding Edition) | 111,743 Reviews Analyzed | 85% Sales Share
  2. Moleskine Art Watercolor Album, Hard Cover, Large (5" x 8.25") Plai... | 4,434 Reviews Analyzed | 3% Sales Share
  3. Constructive Anatomy | 3,192 Reviews Analyzed | 2% Sales Share
  4. The Brothers Karamazov | 3,121 Reviews Analyzed | 2% Sales Share
  5. Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, Enhanced | 1,962 Reviews Analyzed | 2% Sales Share
  6. Elementary Statistics | 1,530 Reviews Analyzed | 1% Sales Share
  7. The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary | 1,425 Reviews Analyzed | 1% Sales Share
  8. Exploring Anatomy & Physiology in the Laboratory, 3e | 1,183 Reviews Analyzed | 1% Sales Share
  9. Psychology in Your Life | 1,081 Reviews Analyzed | 1% Sales Share
  10. Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Se... | 1,074 Reviews Analyzed | 1% Sales Share
How to Win Friends and Influence People (Turtleback Binding Edition) [111743] Moleskine Art Watercolor Album, Hard Cover, Large (5" x 8.25") Plai... [4434] Constructive Anatomy [3192] The Brothers Karamazov [3121] Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, Enhanced [1962] Elementary Statistics [1530] The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary [1425] Exploring Anatomy & Physiology in the Laboratory, 3e [1183] Psychology in Your Life [1081] Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Se... [1074] How to Win Friends and Influence People (Turtle... 85% Moleskine Art Watercolor Album, Hard Cover, Lar... 3% Constructive Anatomy 2% The Brothers Karamazov 2% Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychothe... 2% Elementary Statistics 1% The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary 1% Exploring Anatomy & Physiology in the Laborator... 1% Psychology in Your Life 1% Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early C... 1%
0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 180.00 1928896642 039367391X 1617316202 0061125865 0134462459 0357671422 0374528373 1297496094 8883705629 0606153845 Price ($) Asin Price
Disclaimer: The Price is Not the exact price right now! The price table is a reference for the past two months based on our analysis and algorithms. It just gives you a broad price range for a basic understanding of the price for top textbooks_source products. You can click the progress bar to check the accurate price on sale right now.

Our Unbiased textbooks_source Review

Is textbooks_source Legit on Amazon?

Yes. textbooks_source is a Medium-sized Seller on Amazon's North America Marketplaces under the brands of Picador, iUniverse, University of California Press, Brand: Natl Art Education Assn, Texas A&M University Press, University of Texas Press, Brand: DK ADULT, Columbia University Press, Moleskine, Alfred Music, Kogan Page And Wiley (WileyPLUS Products).

Amazon is a reputable business that requires sellers on its platform to go through its KYC procedure, which helps it get information about each seller that it could use for identification and contact the sellers.

Moreover, you are protected by Amazon when making a purchase on its platform and can return a product if you feel you have been swindled.

Does textbooks_source Offer High-Quality Products?

We analyzed textbooks_source feedback from customers and researched on their product reviews and ratings, the user has an average star rating of 4.8 and has sold over 485 Books items on Amazon.

With this, We could say the textbooks_source provides good value products, Users mostly give them positive ratings, They make a good balance on price and quality, which means they offer quality products with value and convenience to consumers. 

Featured Product Reviews Related to textbooks_source

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5,995 Reviews Analyzed

Frequently asked questions

What is the textbooks_source Return & Refund Policy?

To return and refund from amazon, you should go through the Amazon Return Policy document and Amazon Refund Policy document, respectively. However, if you have any specific inquiries, you can contact the seller for more information if any technicality is involved. 

Note: Items can be returned within 30 days if they are defective, damaged, or the wrong product. The return products must be sold and/or fulfilled by Amazon(FBA) directly; otherwise, the customer may need to pay for return shipping.

How Can I Check My textbooks_source Order Tracking Information?

Your order from Amazon has not arrived yet, and do you want to track it? Then visit amazon.com and contact the seller after placing an order with them:

4 Steps To track your package sold by textbooks_source:

  1. Go to Your Orders.
  2. Go to the order you want to track.
  3. Select Track Package next to your order.
  4. Select See all updates to view delivery updates.

On the Order Tracking Page for your package tracking information. You can click here for more order help information if you still have questions about this.

Can I Contact textbooks_source Before My Order Is Placed on Amazon?

Yes, you can contact the seller before placing your order on Amazon. Quickly Go to textbooks_source Amazon store and look out for the "Ask a Question" link to contact the seller and ask any question you want before placing an order.

Amazon Buyer-Seller Messaging Service will send your question to the seller. Usually, the merchant will respond to your email within two business days. 

How To Contact textbooks_source To Claim A Warranty On Amazon?

All you need to do is go to the order page and find the order of interest with the list of orders. 

For the chosen order, select "Problem with Order" and choose the appropriate Problem, then "Contact Seller".

You should provide information that would be reviewed. The steps are pretty easy to follow,

Contact textbooks_source after placing an order with them,

  1. Go to Your Orders.
  2. Find your order in the list.
  3. Select Problem with order.
  4. Choose your topic from list displayed.
  5. Select Contact seller. (More detail from here.)

If you are unsatisfied with a product you bought and there is a problem with the seller, You can easily contact the seller on Amazon to request an A-to-z Guarantee refund, follow those steps,

If you need to refund from textbooks_source , easily follow those steps,

  1. Go to Your Orders.
  2. Locate the order.
  3. Select Problem with order.
  4. Select your Problem from the list.
  5. Select Request refund.
  6. Enter your comments in the text box.
  7. Select Submit. (More detail from here.)

What Do I Do If I Got Charged Without Ordering Anything from textbooks_source?

Please check your credit bill to recall if the order was placed from a website store or Amazon. 

If you still have questions about the chargeback, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Amazon seller to confirm if there is a problem. 

You can learn more about contacting a Seller on Amazon from here.

Can I Find textbooks_source Contact Number And Location?

You can find textbooks_source business name and address from textbooks_source Storefront page on amazon marketplace. On this page, you can get to know the seller's location in United States. However, you are not getting the seller's phone number and email address.