Are you tired of music noises from the neighboring room, or the music on the deck sucks while you travel? Worry no more; in this tutorial, we will explore different methods to take over the Bluetooth speaker control in detail. Please read with us to the end.
There are many scenarios when you feel like the music on the deck or party from the neighboring party is boring. Well, you can always make your experience impressive by taking over the control.
Though there are many output devices like speakers and soundbars, Bluetooth speakers have been on the rise lately for many reasons. With these Bluetooth speakers, anyone can take over the control and decide on what plays. This means there is a possibility to hijack the Bluetooth speakers with easy approaches.
In this article, we will explore how to hijack Bluetooth speakers from the basic to the advanced approaches. Without wasting time, let us get started with these methods.
Table Of Contents
Basic Methods to Hijack A Bluetooth Speaker
Well, it is possible you can hijack the Bluetooth speaker, but this article only gives you a tutorial for the ethical intentions. You can easily bypass the security of any Bluetooth speaker and have the control power of the content it plays. Although it seems technical, we will start with the basics for beginners and intermediate.
1. Be the first person to pair.
This is a prominent method and the most straightforward approach to hijacking a Bluetooth speaker. Once you are the first to pair, you will have complete control of what to play. This gives you the initial control of the speakers rather than the intended person. But keep in mind that this method is the weakest, and this is because most of the modern Bluetooth speakers have a PIN to connect. If the target doesn't have a set pin in place, then you can easily be the first to connect and start rocking that party with your beats.
2. Using refresh button
Another basic method to hack a Bluetooth speaker is to use the refresh button. Long press the Bluetooth button while you are next to the speaker for about 3 seconds. This way, you can refresh the Bluetooth speaker connection, especially targeting the previously paired devices. You will have the option to connect at this point as long as you are fast enough. Though technical, it is among the basics.
3. Utilizing the 2.4Ghz jammer
for the intermediate lots will agree with me that Bluetooth operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. Thus, when you get the jammer at this frequency, you can easily overpower that connection and bring a temporal disruption. Such an interruption gives you a minor chance to effectively utilize and connect the Bluetooth speaker with your device and become the king or ruler of that party or boring music while you travel.
Advanced Methods to Hijack A Bluetooth Speaker
1. Using Kali Linux
This is a technical method, but if you are an expert, you can easily hack the speaker through the Btscanner available on Kali Linux. You can seize the information even if you do not wish to pair the devices. Once you download the software, you can follow the below steps to get it done:-
- use the command SYNTAX:-SERVICE BLUETOOTH START to launch Bluetooth
- Then, launch the Bt scanner with the above command and follow the prompt.
- From the arrow key shown, please select it and click enter to finalize the detail.
- From this point, you can perform any action, like playing music on the selected Bluetooth speaker device.
Note that the other software under Kali Linux is Bluez. This is a protocol stack already installed on Kali Linux as default. Go to the repository to install other Bluez when using other distros. You can capitalize on tools like the hcitool, hcidump, and hciconfig to hack Bluetooth speakers. Therefore, Kali Linux is free software at Download and install to get started.
2. Using KNOB Attack.
The term KNOB is a synonym, meaning Key Negotiation of Bluetooth; this is among the advanced methods you can try. It is simply a man-in-the-middle attack and gives you the option to attack if the 2 Bluetooth devices get connected even without authenticating. This method exploits the vulnerability of the connection based on the encryption of the Bluetooth devices. There are different security levels that these devices request while connecting. From this, there is a concern that the new device can still communicate with the old one.
This attack relies on the flow, which has made the process simple due to the weak encryption. Here the KNOB attack targets to lower the entropy up to 1bye, which is an excellent determinant of the Bluetooth speaker security. For the weak encryption, there is sluggish change, giving you an easy time to hijack. In simple terms, hackers force the Bluetooth device to have weak encryption, exposing it to attack. However, you must be close to the device to make this process work, and you have minimal time to achieve this.
Therefore, the approach to this method depends on the device you are using, like the iPhone, Linux, or Android. Here are a few general steps.
- Start by escalating the KNOB attack using Android or iPhone.
- Then, proceed by setting up the man in the middle. Crack the link and escalate the attack through the relay of the MITM.
- Therefore, finalize by writing the Python script and proceed to modify the session in the MITM relay before you start transmission of that altered packet. You can change the music stream sent to the target speaker and take over the control without any indication.
3. Use Metasploit
The last method to utilize in this case is the Metasploit in hijacking the Bluetooth speaker. For the experts and newbies in the field, Metasploit is a simple framework penetration test that is an output of a Metasploit project. The project is found in the computer as information concerning the vulnerability as well as aids of the security while doing ID signature dev or penetration test.
In the Metasploit, there is a module known as the Bluetooth_hcidump, and you can capitalize on this while exploiting the connected devices. It captures as well as analyzes the Bluetooth sent and received packets. Follow the below method to make the process complete and gain control of the Bluetooth speakers.
- Get the Btscanner and locate the Bluetooth device that is vulnerable and open to the attack.
- Then, find the vulnerable BT device, which must be connected to the net.
- Navigate to the Bluetooth_hcidump and exploit the target device as you wish.
There are many more methods you can use. Among these relevant options is the use of a third-party application. Therefore, when you are using your iPhone or Android device, you must have a Pi3B+, a rooted Nexus 5 smartphone, as well as a Raspberry. The other tools you will need for the process to be practical and straightforward are Gatttool, Btproxy, and Internal Blue, easily accessible on GitHub.
Secure Bluetooth Speakers from Attack.
There are a few hacks that you can utilize to remain safe with your Bluetooth speakers. Someone might access the Bluetooth speaker, but with ethical purposes, while still, they might come with an illegal reason. Thus, protecting your BT speaker from data and security flaws is ideal. Some of the guidelines are as follows:-
- When you are not using it, disable your Bluetooth speakers.
- Purchase the device with the 5.1 Bluetooth version and beyond
- When talking to your virtual assistant, never use the Bluetooth device
- Never connect your Bluetooth to your internal adapter
- In no case, avoid at all making sensitive convo using BT speakers.
In conclusion, you might want to hijack the Bluetooth speakers for many reasons. The above methods we have covered, from the basis through intermediate and advanced, are only recommended for ethical hacking. We have covered various approaches, and the option depends on your preferences and circumstances. Therefore, utilize them and gain control over the Bluetooth speakers while you party or travel. Say goodbye to the boring music.