How Do You Call in Sick at USPS? (Things You Must Know)

Rebecca Emi
Are you curious to learn how to Call in Sick at the USPS and go away with it? Read the well and analyzed answers from the experts coupled with meticulous research.

As long as we break, sickness is part and fact of life. While you often get sick, the thing remains for sure: you are going to miss work. Most of the companies today have laid out rules and regulations.

Therefore, USPS also has special regulations that guide employees to Call in Sick. As one of the people in the quote, you might wonder how to Call in Sick and get away with it. This is the right place for you.

This article will explore approaches to calling in sick at the USPS and other tips. Read everything we have found from the extensive research and learn how to go about it.

Table Of Contents

How Do You Call in Sickat USPS?

Employees can Call in Sick at the USPS if they have a valid explanation. Therefore, based on the research, the company gives employees two options to Call in Sick to the USPS. The first is the use of the online via the enterprise Leave Request Application-eLRA. The second method is calling through the phone number.

USPS is accommodating, and employees can never get fired by calling in sick. However, this needs to be within the USPS-allocated sick days. Thus, you also need to understand that, to some extent, USPS rules on unscheduled absences to apply their disciplinary action as required.

So far, you are wondering how to get the Call in Sick and go away with it. Therefore, keep reading as let us explore together these methods to Call in Sick at the USPS and avoid being fired. If you are curious, we have done our research, and here are the findings.

Call in Sick at USPS through Phone Call

This is the first method to contact the USPS. It is a very interactive voice response, and many people rank it as the most reliable option ever to use. Therefore, you can call the USPS at their official number, 877-477-3273.

In the above phone call, go with option four when you want to seek unscheduled leave, as you will be prompted on the screen. The line or prompt will need you to specify the illness or the type of injury you got and the need for leave. Then, you also need to highlight the time you need to be out of the particular work at the USPS.

To get prepared, you must have the identification card or number at hand because you will be prompted to type in details while filling out the absence form or seeking leave. If the issue, illness, and injury have affected your speaking ability, then you need to understand that, in this case, you are advised to use the numerical keyboard on the phone and report the case.

Once you're done with everything, the employee will receive the unique confirmation number immediately after you complete the call. You are recommended to write down the confirmation number, which will be your receipt when you are calling USPS when you are sick.

How to Call in Sick Online at USPS?

This is the second approach to calling in sick at the USPS. The company added these methods to the available options back in 2019. Employees can Call in Sick today online. The system used to Call in Sick online is widely known as the Enterprise Leave Request Application, which is shortened as the eLRA.

The USPS employee can easily access the eLRA via the LiteBlue application, which any employee can get into using their computer, smartphone gadget, or tablet. You can authenticate while logging in using your unique employee identification as well as the passcode.

Once you log in, employees can seek unscheduled leave via this eLRA. Navigate to the eLRA icon, categorized underneath the employee apps-quick links. You will get the onscreen prompts to follow keenly and submit your urgent request.

Once you are done, send the requests to the manager who gets your request for the unscheduled leave of absence request. This method is an excellent and perfect option if you opt for the reliable and faster method. It gives you ample time to submit or Call in Sick at the USPS. Employees can quickly review their request and avoid potential errors before submitting it to the manager. No more expedite.

Still, when you need to ask extra questions concerning the system LRA and LitebLue, seek help from the manager, postmaster, or supervisor. Either of these can help you anytime.

Can an Employee Get Fired for Calling in Sick at USPS?

Many people ask the same question about the possibility of getting fired when you Call in Sick at the USPS. Then understand that there are very low chances of getting a field by only calling in sick from your current position, though everything is possible.

Still, remember that USPS will not immediately get you fired when you Call in Sick. This is because, before taking such a storm action, an employee needs to get at least a progressive disciplinary as well as a warning for any of the multiple absences before they can get fired.

In the employee agreement, USPS also has 513 sick Leaves, which the employee needs as part of the deal. Therefore, any USPS employee is entitled to utilize the sick leave if they need a leave without consequences.

There is still a glitch here. When you call out sick outside the allotted time that an employee earned such a case, the company will be forced to go with the progressive disciplinary process before taking the last step, which is firing.

Therefore, the USPS progressive disciplinary action consists of various stages. These include a discussion with the employee, issuing a letter of warning, suspension for consistent mistakes, and then the termination of employment or firing. The above procedures are vital, and you must pay attention to avoid being fired when you constantly Call in Sick at USPS.

Limitations on Calling in Sick at the USPS

The number of times to Call in Sick at USPS also varies. For instance, if you are a full-time employee at the USPS,  you are limited to only two hours of sick leave, which is counted on biweekly pay time.. however, when it comes to the part-time workers at the USPS, you have only one hour that accrues for every 20 hours you work. This is based on the biweekly pay plan.

Generally, all USPS employees are entitled to 104 hours of sick time annually. This is approximately 13 days a year, which you can Call in Sick and get away with.

Although we understand that the USPS limits employees to 13 days to Call in Sick annually, the laws are lenient, and you are free to bargain for extra days. The primary determinant here is the circumstance and decision made by the management. Also, remember that as a USPS employee, you are not obligated to Call in Sick seeking an unscheduled absence; you don't have sick days or leave alone. If an employee runs out of sick leave, you can capitalize on the annual leave that enables you to leave even without pay.

Requesting a Day Off at the USPS

If you wish to seek a day before the actual time instead of calling in sick to get the unscheduled absence leave because of the injury and illness, then understand that the eLRA is still a very useful application in this case. You can use it and seek the day off at the USPS.

Requesting a day off at the USPS via the eLRA is very easy. Start by logging in to the application or LitebLue and head to the eLRA app just like you proceed with the first method.

Immediately you are at the spot, proceed to fill in the details and, after that, submit PS form 3971. This is the Request for Or Notification of Absence form, designed and managed by the USPS company.

The information you will fill into the form is then transmitted securely to the particular manager or sometimes sent to the supervisor. The employee and manager will all retain the data of the submitted request. In such a case, the manager will evaluate the request you submitted. Based on the explanations and circumstances, your manager or supervisor will decide to approve or reject your leave as scheduled.

Remember that when you Call in Sick at the USPS, the employee does not have to present a note from a doctor to justify the health condition. However, sometimes, the supervisor requests an employee to have a note from the health officer.

The reason for taking note is that USPS operates on the sick leave policy known as the Deems desirable. This implies that your sick leave is not necessarily restricted. However, because of the absence, the manager or supervisor might need a note from the doctor. Therefore, keep in mind that most of the unions are trying so hard to mitigate this sick leave policy that they deem desirable, and instead, they are advocating for the rights of the employees.

Thus, if the manager asks you to provide the documentation, they ask you the main reason for your absence. They don't mean you must give them the professional doctor's medical documents.

The UPS managers cannot ask for medical documentation unless the absence exceeds three days. This applies to the unscheduled as well as unexplained absence. There are many things you also need to learn and have at your fingertips. Besides that, here are some of the tips to guide you.

Tips to Help Call in Sick at USP and Get Away with It

In this section, we have compiled a few tips to help you Call in Sick at the USP and get away with sick leave.. some of these are outlined below:


There are two methods to Call in Sick at the USPS and go away with it. Use a phone number or online via the eLRA. Contact the Interactive Voice Response system using the above procedure or fill in the form to get the unscheduled leave clarifying the injury and illness.

With a reasonable explanation, the customer gets the confirmation number or email based on the method once the manager approves. Read the above article or detailed explanation on how to Call in Sick at the USPS and enhance your experience working at the company.

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