How to Save Music on Instagram? (All You Need to Know)

Ali Abdaal
Saving music on Instagram can be challenging with the continuous introduction of new features or, if you're new to the platform. This article on how to save music on Instagram provides a comprehensive guideline to getting that done. Keep reading!

The use of Instagram has gained popularity over the past few years. It allows users to interact by creating content through photos, videos, and music. The introduction of music stickers, the addition of soundtracks, and sharing of music clips offer means to incorporate music into the content, making it captivating and thus an exceptional experience to one’s followers. Such calls for the need to learn more on how to save and use music on Instagram and other related information to enable your Instagram page to stand out.

Table Of Contents

How Can I Save Music from Instagram to My Phone?

Some videos on Instagram contain captivating music which you would want to keep. As long as you have the recent version of the Instagram app, you need to;

Step 1: First, identify the reel with a soundtrack you want to save.

Step 2: Click on the title of the song, which will appear below the author's profile on your left.

Step 3: Upon clicking, reels using that audio will display.

Step 4: You'll see a 'Save Audio' at the top of that page, and then it will promptly save the audio to the app once you click the ‘Save Audio’ button represented by the (bookmark) symbol.

How to Unsave an Audio from Instagram Reels?

You may want to remove a song from Instagram reels for some reason. It may be because a song has become monotonous or you have used a piece you didn’t intend to. You should, however, note that; you can't remove a song from IG reels from the music feature just yet. Do as follows;

Step 1: Identify another Instagram user’s reel with that audio.

Step 2: At the bottom of the author’s profile, the name of the audio will display. Click it.

Step 3: Then, unselect the bookmark button to remove the song from the 'Saved' music.

How to Add Music on Instagram Story?

Adding music to an Instagram story is straightforward. The music sticker on the app will enable you to add songs from the app directly to your IG stories. You should therefore;

Step 1: Begin by creating a story on the Instagram app.

Step 2: Then click on the ‘Sticker’ symbol to display features, and select the 'Music' feature. For trending songs, use Vista Social’s song recommendation.

Step 3: On Vista Social's publisher, add the video you'll use for your story and tap the thumbnail for more options.

Step 4: Select "Pick Sound' to display trending tracks and then use the search toolbar to search for the specific audio you want. You can use it as it is, modify the length, and design it as desired. Including selecting the particular part, you want to be played.

Step 5: Click 'Apply sound' and tap the 'Your Story' icon then ‘Done’ to get the story published and ready for viewing.

Ways to Use Audios on Instagram Stories?

Instagram stories require editing to attract your viewers. One of the best things to do is to add some catchy and trending audio to it. There are several means of using audio on your Instagram story. Having learnt how to save music on Instagram, let’s look at some ways to use audio on Instagram stories.

1. Using Saved Music on Instagram Reels

Having saved your favorite audio, you can use it to make a collection of Instagram reels. What you need to do is;

Step 1: On your Instagram story screen, open the reels editor.

Step 2: Then, tap on the ‘Audio Music’ button to open.

Step 3: Once the music feature opens, you’ll see the saved audio and select the one you wish to use for your IG reels.

Step 4: Then tap ‘Done’.

2. Using Saved Music on Instagram Stories

The procedure for adding music to your Instagram stories is identical to the one listed above on how to add music to Instagram stories. However, after you tap the ‘Music’ icon, you need to select ‘Saved’ to access all audio saved, from which you can pick your desired before you proceed to customize it.

It is important to note that: Using saved audio on Instagram stories is only available to iPhone users; for Android phones, saved music can only be used on Instagram reels.

Adding Music from Spotify App to Instagram Story

Spotify is one of the apps with an endless list of music you can download and add to your Instagram story. If you want to use a song from the app;

Step 1: Select the song on Spotify and click the ‘Share’ symbol.

Step 2: Select the IG icon, and the song will appear on your Instagram page.

Step 3: Proceed to the 'Your Story' button and click it to have the song posted on your stories.

Adding Music from Soundcloud App to Instagram Story

Soundcloud app has millions of music tracks you can share on your Instagram; the sharing procedure is similar to that of Spotify. Let's do a quick rundown of it.

Step 1: First, select your favorite track.

Step 2: Click on 'Share'.

Step 3: Select the Instagram icon to display the song on your Instagram page.

Step 4: Click to post on ‘Your Story’ for the song to be posted.

How to Save and Add Music to Your Instagram Business Account?

Most artists patent their music for copyright. So, Instagram business accounts are forbidden from using recorded music from artists in their content unless authorized by the owner. For these reasons, any content meant for profit gains has no option but to;

Step 1: Use the original music as posted by other Instagram accounts. On business account profiles, you will see 'Original Audio' displayed below the profile. And you can proceed to click on it for further steps.

Step 2: Switch to 'entrepreneur'. You can do this by editing your profile category.

Step 3: You can as well hide your profile category by disabling the category label. However, it can affect your bio as it may confuse your followers.

How to Locate the Saved Audio on Instagram?

Saving audio on Instagram can be easy, but are most users capable of retrieving the saved music when they want to use it? Here are a few steps to locating saved audio on Instagram:

Step 1: Tap on your profile in the Instagram app.

Step 2: Click on the 'Menu' then 'Saved.'

Step 3: It will display the audio folder from which you can select the saved music.

How to Save and Share Music from Instagram Reels?

Once you have saved the audio, you may share it with friends. First, you need to locate the saved song as indicated above then;

Step 1: Click on the song title to be directed to a page with all reels using it.

Step 2: Click on the ‘paper plane’ symbol to share it by DM.

Step 3: However, if you wish to share with other apps, tap the thumbnail and copy the audio link from the displayed options.

Step 4: Paste the link on whichever platform or app your wish.


Q: Why won’t Instagram save my music?

A: Instagram might not save your music; if your Instagram app is not updated, or you might be using recorded music on a business account. Try updating the app and editing your profile from business to creator or personal account, and try again.

Q: Can I use saved audio on the Instagram story?

A: Yes, however, this is only available to iPhone users. Sadly, if you're using an Android phone, you can't use saved audio on Instagram stories but on reels.


Music is a captivating way to create unique content. Proper use of music enhances the experience of one with the platform. Saving and applying saved music to make a collection in Instagram reels and stories is simplified in this article on; how to save music on Instagram. Always explore the features available and leverage third-party apps while maintaining artists' copyright.  

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